Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween and the real trick or treat

Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog. Hope every one's fall semester is going well. Just a reminder that registration for the Winter is now in progress. Register now to lock in the best classes and best times. This is important especially for Primetime students since class selection is slim pickings. I must apologize because of an emergency at another bookstore I could not do the interview with the manager. I am hoping to get in touch with him and if anything maybe do the interview over the phone.

As you can see by the title of the blog Halloween is among us again and it signifies the official start to the holiday season because before you know it its Thanksgiving. Halloween is a holiday that i have not personally celebrated nor dressed up for since before i was in HS. It was at the beginning of HS that i realized that i had out-grown the whole trick or treat thing and i guess it is because i am not a big candy fan. All in all i think it has helped me keep my teeth nice and healthy. I think part of it is because the whole concept of Halloween has been lost on America. The history and the truth behind Halloween is but a distant memory and very few people even know the history. Lucky for all of you i do know the history and i feel it is my obligation to shine some light onto the dark holiday.

Halloween comes from All Hallows Eve which basically was the celebration of the Saints in the catholic religion. Prior to Catholicism it was a pagan holiday celebrating the dead. Now I take no religious stance on the matter since i personally do not care about the religious ramifications of it. I personally think that if you want to celebrate it go ahead. My wife is taking our children trick or treating in one of the biggest extortion gigs in my family. Reason why i say that is both of my kids are cute, you have seen the pictures, and they are going to rake in the candy. The funny thing is my daughter is 17 months and there is no way she is having sugar. My son is 3 months and um no teeth and same reason for my daughter, no sugar. So who do you think is going to eat all of that candy? My wife and probably me just to get rid of the stuff. I personally do not see the point of trick or treating with someone under the age of 5. There is absolutely no point and i think its just the parents way to get some free candy. I also think it is an excuse for the parent to dress up like a fool and use their kids as a crutch. I think its a great holiday for the kids and love to see my son dress up in a surgeon onesie. To all the parents out there though stop it, there is no reason to get dressed up with your kids its just plain scary and frightening. I won't even go into adult Halloween parties in clubs that is for another blog that is not on an educational site. So to all the kids out there have fun and to all the adults grow up.

On to something of educational importance, my classes are going well so far and I am learning a lot. I already have lined up the interviews for November and I will probably release the possible candidates on Saturday. Speaking of candidates and debates my World Cultures class on Saturday is going to be a very tense and interesting class. People may not even need to drink coffee before class because the debate we are going to have will get adrenaline pumping quickly and often. This week we are going to debate whether men are naturally more superior to women? Now I am not going to release my views on this until next blog but I would love to here your points of view so comment often. This invitation is also extended to all the faculty at the GMT campus that I know read my blog but show me know love. Personally i think they should at least comment once on at least some of the bloggers posts, just to show some appreciation for the advertisement of the school. Then again that is just my point of view on things.

Now it is time for the Rebecca and Jose corners. As you already heard Jose will be a surgeon for Halloween and Rebecca will be a princess (like she needs to dress up for that, she's always daddy's princess). She continues to extend her vocabulary and now says Wow and Popeye (the cartoon not the chicken place). I cannot wait to see what else she comes up with as practices and when she gets her Christmas present from daddy that should help. I am planning to get her Baby Einstein. Anyway that is all for now and good luck to many on the midterms.

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