Friday, March 28, 2008

March Madness

Hello everyone I am back and apologize for the long delay between posts. For those current Berkeley College student I hope everyone passed their finals and classes for the Winter semester. I am looking forward to my Spring semester beginning on Monday as I am taking some interesting classes next semester. Before I go into next semester I want to reflect a bit on my first semester at Berkeley College. I did very well this past semester finishing with a GPA around 3.9. I learned a lot over the past 12 weeks and a lot of it was shared with all of my readers. March has lived up to the title of Madness not so much for the NCAA Tournament that is going on but just everything that occurred in March. Speaking about the tournament I hope every one's bracket is doing better than mine. With all the upsets that occurred in the first two rounds I am dead last in my office pool. I have a slim shot since the distance between me and first is 10 pts. but we will see.
One of the last things I did in my Management class was talk about change in the workplace and in our own lives. We discussed how each of us handles change and learned some interesting things about ourselves. We also discussed the book "Who Moved my Cheese" by Spencer Johnson MD. It is a quick read and I encourage anyone who has not read the book to read it. It is based on 4 characters, 2 mice named Sniff and Scurry and 2 little people named Hem and Haw. It discusses how each of them goes about finding the cheese, what the cheese means to them and how they handle when the cheese is gone or moved. Now you may be wondering what is up with all this cheese but the cheese just represents what you want in life. What is your goal in life? What are your different "cheeses"? Mine currently is just to get through my bachelors program here, take the GMAT and get into business school for my masters. Simultaneously I want to make sure my family is taken care of and that my children are healthy and active. Those are my "cheeses" right now and they will change as time progresses. It is how i deal with that change when the time comes that makes the difference.
As stated earlier next semester is right around the corner. I am taking Oral Communication, Mind and Body, Web Design 1 and Graphical Business Presentations. The 2 classes I am excited about the most is Web Design 1 and Graphical Business Presentations. The Graphical Business class is just a PowerPoint 2007 class. Even though I have pretty much taught myself how to use PowerPoint any touch ups and new things can't hurt. The Web Design class is where the money is at though. If you know how to make really good web sites you can make some easy money. The good thing about it is most of it can be done straight from home so it works.
Okay here is the section you all have been waiting for it is Rebecca's Corner!!!! As stated in my previous post Rebecca will be a big sister to a baby brother. That's right everyone I got the pair on my first two times out. The new comers name will be Jose Benjamin Salles, a combination of my late grandfather on my mom's side first name and my middle name. After July this section will be called the R & J Corner. In more Rebecca focused news she took her first step the other day so it will only be a matter of time before she is up and running. Great for dad bad for mom who doesn't necessarily like to run. Anyway I will definitely be posting like I am supposed to now that finals are over, if anyone needs a tutor, tech support or for you HS students help with the college process just drop me a line through the post. Later everyone and enjoy the end of March.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Finals and Myspace

Hello everyone and welcome back. I want to appologize for my length between posts but i do have a lot to write so i am going to make it up to all you loyal readers out there. First off I want to say, "where has the time gone?" We are already 1/4 of the way through the year and i still feel like it is the first day of class again. Well in approximately 3 weeks it will be the first day of classes of the spring semester. All of you current Berkeley students if you haven't registered what are you waiting for? To those that have i hope all of you got the classes you wanted. Anyway last week is the final week of classes before Finals week and I am actually lookng forward to the finals. Now some of you may be thinking one thing, "Nerd" but its just that i know i did well and i am close to getting my first 4.0 of a semester. I got close once in LaGuardia but one of the professors gave me a B+ which i honestly did deserve. To achieve that goal would be great especially going into the Spring semester. I cannot wait for the spring to begin as i am taking some pretty interesting courses. The main course i am taking that i think will be the most challenging yet fun class is Web Design 1. I actually cannot wait to take all 3 Web design classes because at my job we have been trying update and maintain our websites.
Web design also opens the door to SQL databases since alot of the commands carry over. I wonder if there is anyway to request a class be add to the college? If you guys have any answers or ideas let me know. On a more fun side i found out through our Blogger coordinator Ms. Covino that Berkeley does have a Myspace. It actually shows up 3 times if you search for it. The first one on the list is the actual site. The second or third one is for the fashion department of Berkeley. I have a question and i would like for some feedback from current students and those that are prospects. Do you think schools should have myspace and facebook pages? A lot of schools are starting to use facebook as there own version of Blackboard. Do you think it would be better for us to use facebook instead of blackboard? Love to hear the feedback on that.

Now it is time for Rebecca's Corner. As you all know my little Rebecca will be a big sister in July. Now i do know the gender of the baby but i am going to save that for my next blog as i want some feedback. Lately my little one is becomming more and more brave when it comes to walking without any help. She even fusses when she is put in the stroller because she wants to walk not be tied down. She is consistantly calling for me and anytime my wife is on the phone she thinks that she is talking to me, even if i am in the same room. The other day i was talking to her on the phone and she was just speaking baby talk to me and then decided to stick her tongue out at me. So what did i do, well being the mature adult i stuck my tongue out back at her. Ah, good times. Anyway that ends this post but i hope to hear from you guys soon.